High Accuracy Cost Efficient Differential Positioning System using Real-Time Kinematics to optimise port logistics

HACER project

We are thrilled to announce our participation in the prestigious European research initiative, the aerOS Project (Autonomous, scalablE, tRustworthy, intelligent European meta Operating System for the IoT edge-cloud continuum). This ambitious project aims to design and develop a virtualized, platform-agnostic meta operating system tailored for the IoT edge-cloud continuum, enhancing the interoperability and intelligence of connected systems across Europe.

Our proposal, HACER (High Accuracy Cost Efficient Differential Positioning System using Real-Time Kinematics to optimize port logistics), has been selected as a key contribution to the aerOS Project. Within this framework, we will focus on the use case “Smart Edge Services for the Port Continuum.” Our goal is to create a custom low-cost, efficient Differential GPS (D-GPS) system, significantly enhancing the localization capabilities of port assets. This innovation will streamline port logistics, providing more precise, real-time positioning to optimize operations and boost efficiency.

The aerOS Project represents a significant step forward in the evolution of IoT and edge-cloud technologies, and we are proud to contribute to its success. By developing cutting-edge solutions for port logistics, we aim to set new standards in accuracy, cost-efficiency, and operational excellence.

For more information about the aerOS Project and our involvement, please visit https://aeros-project.eu/

Developed solution

The developed solution consists of two devices. On the one hand, a static base station that sends RTCM corrections and on the other hand; a mobile Rover device that receives these corrections and applies RTK (Real Time Kinematic) algorithms to obtain GPS coordinates -latitude and longitude- with an accuracy of the order of centimeters.
The GPS data are sent to an MQTT server for use and distribution throughout the aerOS architecture.

On the other hand, Rover devices also implement services that analyze the resources used, such as memory and processing, and share these metrics across the aerOS architecture.

Communication between the devices, as well as with the cloud, is carried out using the LTE mobile network, which allows great coverage and range, essential requirements for covering large spaces such as in the port.

The various validation tests carried out result in high GPS accuracy, even in cloudy environments and with poor satellite visibility.

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    This project has received funding from Horizon Europe, the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation, under grant agreement No 101069732. The content of this publication represents the view of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility: it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (EISMEA). The European Commission and the Agency do not accept responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.