What is Alexa?

Alexa is Amazon’s AI-based (Artificial Intelligence) virtual assistant that is capable of voice interaction. It processes users’ voice and performs actions based on the conversation like play music, tell you the news or help you with a cooking recipe.

What is an Alexa Skill?

Skills are voice-driven Alexa capabilities. Alexa skills are like smartphone apps. They are not created by Amazon, but by developers from third-party companies. Straight out of the box, Alexa can already perform a wide range of tasks but with the use of the skills catalogue you can program Alexa to do a lot of additional things.

Alexa Skills come in a variety of categories, including business & finance, games and trivia, news, education and smart home.

With more than 100 million Alexa devices sold in 2019*, this is the perfect moment to create a skill that differentiates your business.Don’t miss this opportunity, BYTEK can help you bring your Alexa skills to life.

*Source: https://www.theverge.com/2019/1/4/18168565/amazon-alexa-devices-how-many-sold-number-100-million-dave-limp

Boost your business with Alexa

In BYTEK we provide hardware and software solutions to integrate voice in your company.

  • We design custom voice integrated devices attending to the needs of our clients.
  • We create skills from scratch for our customers.

With these solutions, companies that trust us can offer innovative solutions to their customers.

Voice Assistants, such as Alexa, are not only disrupting how people use technology at home. The companies are also taking cues to simplify common tasks in offices. In addition, the companies can offer new services to their clients adding value to their products.

With more than 100 million Alexa devices sold in 2019, this is the perfect moment to create a skill that differentiates your business.

Why develop a skill with BYTEK?

Thanks to the projects we have been involved in so far, we have raised our bar by getting well-versed in AI-based Amazon Alexa Skill Development. We work closely with the spanish team of Amazon Alexa, which allow us to keep abreast of the latest development news.

We always go the extra mile to integrate the best innovations, intents, and utterances into the Alexa skills to deliver value to your business. Our experienced Alexa skill developers only help you to voice your business seamlessly but also expedite your business operations and improve customer experience.

Whether you are interested in idea creation, conception, interaction design, development, certification or hosting, our expert Alexa skills developers can help you achieve your goals.

Our process

At BYTEK we take care of the entire process, from the conceptualization of the idea to the certification and publication of the skill on the Alexa Skills Store. Thanks to our previous experience in similar projects we know how the certification and publication process works ensuring a fast time-to-market.


Analysis of your business to identify how voice can generate value for your company

Proposal of functionalities that the skill should include

Voice User Interface (VUI) design

Skill architecture design (Backend)

Development & Test

Skill definition on AWS

Creation of the skill training phrases

Development of the skilll backend

Validation and operation tests with beta testers

Certification & Publication

Definition of the skills information and description

Branding considerations to ensure an optimal user experience

Submission to the Alexa Skills Store

Optimisation & Updates

Continuous review and improvement of the skill


Development of new features

Stats and analysis of impact and use

Added Value Voice Integration Solutions

Turn-keyAlexa Voice Service (AVS)products

Alexa built-indevices development

Ready to start your next project now?

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